Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thank YOU!

A special Thanks for everyone, who took the time to call Nathan on his birthday, sent presents and cards, and who came to the party. He loved everything. And misses you that are far away.
But I must admit Grandma's Thomas the train pillow case that she made for him, took the cake. Who would have guessed that would have been his favorite present, a pillow case. I guess grandmas know best.

Nathan's Birthday Party!!

Nathan had so much fun, we had 12 of his little friends over, they had a water balloon race (which didn't work as planned) they slip n' slided, played in the pools, ran around and had fun. Thanks for everyone that came! Some drove an hour to 35 minutes to come so Thanks!

Our beautiful homemade crowns

Our garden back in June

I forgot to post our beautiful garden. Even though it's on our porch, it doing great. Now that it's July the garden is a whole lot bigger, even if with the lack of rain. But we still don't need to water it. We have four tomatoe plants, all kinds of herbs, peas. I didn't take pictures of my flower garden which is still doing better then even. It's so easy to garden here, you plant and nature takes care of the rest.

Just some slip n' slide fun

Colt and Sally Got Engaged!

Congradulations! On Getting engaged!

Auntie came to visit again!

We love when Auntie comes to visit! She brought Jon with her, whom Nathan just loves.
They went to NY, Phillie, but they did miss the beach. Maybe next time.
All have to post pictures later, they don't seem to be working.

Trevor graduation

Congradulation! Trevor on graduating high school a whole year early!

One pic is of my parents with him and the next is with my grandparents.
Sorry this post is 2 months off it happened at end of may.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

My wonderful kids

I love being mom, kids are so wonderful and funny.
Just today while we were walking to the park, Karlie, stopped a couple that was walking their dog. And ask them if she could sing a song to their dog. The couple agreed, and Karlie bent down and song a made-up song about a dog, to the dog. Then she did a dance for it. So cute!! Nathan is so funny to, especially when he tries to go potty, and he gets upset, because, "It" it's working. Oh, got to love them.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Off we go on....

We drove up an hour from our house, and took a great Ferry ride around to see Ellis Island and The Statue of Liberty. I love being close to all of these great places.

This is New York from the ferry.

The Statue of Liberty

The Ferry Ride to the Statue of Liberty was great. The Statue is a lot smaller in person then I thought it would be, but breathtakingly beautiful.

Ellis Island

Our Ferry trip took us to Ellis Island. For those of you who don't know what Ellis Island is, it's were all the Immigrants loaded off ships, and checked before they could enter in to the U.S.A. I have a little history piece at the end of this post. But we loved the museum, it had tons of old passports, pictures, bags, old clothes (my favorite) and etc... They also had an area were you could look up your ancestors and see if they checked in on Ellis when they came over to the U.S.A, they also had pictures. You can also do it online at Ellisisland .com One thing is that we made the mistake in taking the kids, that was a hard job trying to keep them from getting lost, of ruining things.

"Ellis Island Immigration Station

Ellis Island, off the New Jersey shoreline in upper New York Bay and in the shadow of the Statue of Liberty, was the principal federal immigration station in the United States after its opening in 1892. The original building, destroyed by fire in 1897 pro cessed some 15,000,000 immigrants. A new inspection station was opened on the island in 1900 with the completion of the massive French Renaissance style main building. During the next half century the original 3 acre island was enlarged several times with landfill to encompass 27.5 acres. Additional structures, including a general and contagious disease hospital, were built to provide facilities for the administration of immigration laws in processing incoming aliens.

Between 1900 and 1914 immigration was at a flood tide. Ellis Island administrators and staff, through herculean efforts, processed some 5,000 - 7,000 people daily and up to 11,747 on one record day in 1907. All told it is estimated that some 12 - 17 milli on Immigrants entered the United States through Ellis Island before it closed in 1954.
Ellis Island

Immigration declined sharply with the passage of the immigration restriction laws in the early 1920's. Thereafter, only those immigrants whose status in this country was questioned, whose papers were not in order, or who required medical treatment were se nt to Ellis Island. The facilities were increasingly used as a detention center for those who entered the United States illegally or violated the terms of their admittance.

The Ellis Island Immigration Museum tells the inspiring story of the largest human migration in modem history and is a memorial to the immigrant experience."
(I took this from the Liberty State Parks website)