Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Sad day :(..

Our little fish of many, many, years. Just passed away. Due to suffocation. I just got done cleaning his tank. So that we could put his new big house in it, that he got from Santa. And I put him in a plastic bag so that the water could match up temperatures, like always. But this time, I wasn't watching it, and the water fell out and the plastic suffocated him. What a sad day. Karlie and I flushed him down the toilet. Karlie is a little sad, but due to new Christmas toys she doesn't think about it much.


A STAR is born said...

Hi Feline--I never comment on your blog but I always read it!
Sorry to hear about your fish. I guess that's what happens when a fish lives with a cat, eh?
Anyway, I tagged you on my blog. Check it out!